Wednesday, September 18, 2013

We are HAPPY 2nd graders today!

Second grade had a GREAT day! Everyone did a fabulous job on their math test!

Our most exciting news is that everyone in the class was on green or higher for our behavior chart! That means everyone did their job today and so they ALL earned stickers toward their reward goals.

Nathan reminded the class that we also added another brownie to our "Brownie Points" pan today, because Mrs. St. Louis complimented us on the great job we did on our math test!

Some of us are ready for tomorrow's spelling test and some of us need to study a little tonight. Don't forget, there is no school on Friday. The kids are ready for a long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a great day second graders. Keep up the good work!

    Mrs. Hallada
