Tuesday, April 15, 2014

We're Debating...!

Religion: We talked about how Jesus saves us from sin, and how that relates to Easter. Jesus died on the cross so that we could be saved.

Writing: We're using graphic organizers this week and learning all about setting, plot, and how to identify the main characters in a story.

Reading/Social Studies: What a fabulous group! We tried an experiment today. Once a week, we talk about social issues or current events in class. Today's story (from Scholastic Junior) was about a group who believes chimps should be treated more like humans because they are so closely related to people. We read the story and then divided up into two groups. Both groups had 10 minutes to come up with their arguments, and then we held our first ever second grade debate presentation! They did an amazing job! We can't wait to do it again.

Tomorrow: $1 dress down, library, gym

Our good Lenten deed for today: Pray for all of the sick children in the world.

Have a great Tuesday!

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